Ten Gestures and Ideas for Families…TGIF

The following is a list of "Family Resolutions" or suggestions that you may want to keep out in the open to refer to every now and then.

- Eat meals together as a family as often as possible.
- Keep a sense of humor as much as possible.
- Listen carefully to family members. Try to understand where they are coming from and how they view a situation.
- Be aware of what your expectations are, and make sure you communicate them to your family members.
- Notice the small steps and good efforts each and every member of your family makes.
- Offer encouragement to family members even when they doubt themselves.
- Try not to schedule too many activities at once. It is just as important and as much fun to spend idle time together.
- Appreciate each family member for who they are and not what they do.
- Be aware of your own moods, as they influence the way you interact with family members.
- Make time to do things you like to do. Your well-being reflects on your family’s well-being.