Fun Game

from Coach Nichole at Teamworks Northborough

Shrimps and Crabs

Everyone lines up against a wall with the adult 15 - 20 feet away. Explain that you are the crab and the kids are the shrimp. The shrimp sing "I am a shrimp, wiggle, and wiggle. Don't like crabs wiggle, wiggle." When the coach says "Snap it to the left. Snap it to the right. Snap it to the front. Eat shrimp tonight," the kids need to run to the other side of the room before the "crab" can tag them. If the "crab" tags any kids, they become crabs as well, and they need to help tag other shrimp. The game continues back and forth across the ocean, until everyone becomes crabs.

Expert Advice - Always remind kids to watch where they are running, and if they are tagged, make them feel special that they have become a crab!

Call early to register for Squeaky Sneakers through the FN and be sure to check out other family fun at Teamworks Northborough!