Good News!

An email came through last night around 9 pm that declared that after putting our amendment "on hold" (to address it at a later time) they finally passed it and our WORK IS DONE! I know that all your calls and stories about what the FN means to you and your families made a big difference. With that said, if everyone could take a minute to send an email or mail a card to:

Senator Pamela Resor
State House, Rm 410
Boston, MA 02133

to thank her for her continued support over the years and best wishes for her next "life's pursuit" (she will be leaving at the end of this term, much to my dismay) it would be a wonderful gesture.

On another related note...... since Senator Resor is leaving, should you run into and connect with upcoming candidates, please be sure to mention the FN and the plight we just went through. We are hearing that next year (budget wise) will be another tough year. The sooner we can begin to advocate for our program the better we'll be.

Once again, THANK YOU so much for all your calls, your caring and love (which I think really showed through).

