Parent Workshop - Spotlight

LOVE & LIMITS: Positive Approaches to Discipline
Dates: Tues, March 4-25th, for a 4 part series
Time: 6:30 -8 pm
Location: Held at FN
Presenter: Families First

Understanding where your style of discipline comes from, why children do the things they do, and how to positively change behaviors takes time & practice. In this 4 part series, you will explore these issues and leave with a clear understanding of your own expectations for your children and many strategies to help children achieve these expectations. Feel free to sign up for just one, a few or all four. Signing up for all 4 will provide you with a chance to practice strategies in between classes and to ask questions.

March 4- Introduction to Discipline: From Parent to Child & Back Again
March 11- Things Kids Do That Drive you Nuts: Understanding Motivation & Behavior
March 18- Positive Approaches to Discipline: Expanding Your Repertoire
March 25th- Acknowledging Feelings and Setting Limits: Practice