Introducing... AVAFN Helping Hands

The Assabet Valley Area Family Network is offering a new program, AVAFN Helping Hands, to assist Family Network families in short-term crisis. Short-term crisis may include, but is not limited to, illness, short-term disability, or death of a family member.

Services are provided by volunteers to families in need who either have little family or other community support, or those who have exhausted those resources. The intent of the program is to provide these services to assist with the basic needs at home during the short-term crisis.

Services will include non-medically based services, such as:
• Preparing and delivering meals
• House cleaning
• Driving to appointments
• Home visits
• Running errands
• Walking the dog
• Helping children with homework

Other services will be evaluated on an individual basis. The program is run by volunteers, who select from current needs on an online calendar. Volunteers sign up for the needs in which they are interested, and can make their selections by type of activity (e.g., delivering a meal) and by time (on Monday and Tuesday evening). Signing up as an AVAFN Helping Hands volunteer does not obligate one to accept any activity; it simply grants the option to consider volunteering for an activity.

Family needs are identified to the AVAFN Helping Hands coordinator by either: the family in need, an AVAFN community member, or the AVAFN program coordinator. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, or know of a family in need, please contact Rosemary Schantz at the AVA Family Network at 508-495- 0085. Remember, there is no obligation when you become a volunteer; it simply gives you access to the calendar of current needs.

Find out more!

AVAFN Helping Hands Volunteer Information Session (and yummy dessert!)
Wednesday, November 28th from 7-8 pm

Child care is available, but must be requested by the week before by calling 508-485-0085.
If you are unable to attend this session, but would like to find out more, please call the Family Network.