As with the changing seasons (the reason so many of us love New England - even the cold and snow, right?) so are the changes due at our Family Network.
We are still anxiously awaiting to hear from the state as to what our funding situation will look like come the new fiscal year starting July 1st! It's not hard to imagine that our budget will be the same and maybe even less, given the state of our state. With that in mind, the Assabet Valley Collaborative - our fiscal agent, is possibly considering moving the AVA Family Network into the building (the old Bigelow School on Orchard St.) that they are currently renting from the city of Marlboro. The move would free up most of our $20,000+ rent which could then be put into programming and services for families, something that we have worked so hard to maintain. It means a lot of work to actually move and then the process of settling into a new "home." I've always felt that the space/place is important BUT not as important as the incredible families that occupy it. YOU all make the FN such a wonderful and amazing PLACE! As soon as we get more information from the state, we will get the word out through playgroups, workshops, email and the website.
This next change is one that I personally have been struggling with. I have made the decision to leave the Family Network at the end of June. My journey of 12 years here at the FN has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. My own family, over the years, has been involved here at the FN which has allowed my "two lives" to blend in such a special way. As my children have grown and now have lives of their own, I realize that I too have the opportunity to change. My husband and I are looking to make some major life changes in the next few years which will hopefully involve long term community service either here in the states or out in the greater world. Since I never do anything without due process, I still plan on being "around" after I leave so I can "wean" myself slowly from this heartwarming community. I will also be very committed to making any and all transitions as smooth as possible. To all the many families that I have had the honor and the pleasure to connect with and get to know over all these years, you will always be with me in heart and spirit.
With love, Rosemary