What's Up at the Family Network...

I am thrilled and so pleased to announce that our December Fundraising efforts brought in $5,520! Thanks to everyone who was able to give. This amount combined with our previous on-going donations gives the FN a total of $8,000. We have successfully raised the $2,130 to maintain our space and still have some left to "play" with. Our Advisory Council has begun to make decisions as to what programming the FN will be able to provide and bring back. If you have any thoughts, ideas and requests please let a Council member or Rosemary know and we'll see what we can do! Check out the activities listed on the newsletter insert and Animal Adventures on the back page.

In addition to our own funds, I am so overjoyed to announce the $1,000 donation from the Northboro Jr's Women Club. These funds are allowing the FN to bring back our Friday Drop In music program. We are so pleased to have their support for such a widely used and positive activity. It's a great way for so many to participate in such a fun activity! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

During the past few weeks, our FN, along with all the other 42 FN across the state wrote letters to the Governor, our legislators and the Board Members of Early Education and Care. We sincerely hope this effort will educate our leaders as to what exactly happens here and that they will then understand our value and keep us in the budget. In the coming months I will do my best to keep everyone posted and I'll be sure to let you know when we need your help. Thanks to everyone who came through with a letter!
